Board Meeting


Board Meeting is at Premier Valley Bank Conference Room located to the right of the front door.
40061 Hwy 49, Oakhurst, California 93644
All homeowners are allowed, and encouraged, to attend and observe the Board meeting. There will be a Homeowner Forum following the completion of the Agenda items. The Homeowners Forum is the time devoted to owners to speak to the Board
Microsoft Teams information will be provided prior to the meeting.
Meeting ID: TBA
Passcode: TBA
Dial-in by phone
Phone conference ID: TBA
No audio or video recording allowed by attendees. However, the Secretary may record the meeting to aid in the preparation of minutes. The recording is deleted once the minutes have been prepared.
As provided in the "Open Meeting Act," members may observe the meeting but do not have the right to participate in the Board's deliberations or votes.
Members may address issues during the Open Forum portion of the meeting. Each Homeowner will have 3 minutes for your presentation.
No action can be taken on any item not listed on the current agenda.
The open forum is not a part of the meeting so no items discussed will be recorded in the meeting minutes. Homeowners must attend to hear the discussions.
As per California law, the Board has the discretion to address comments and answer questions during the forum but are not required to do so.
Attendees may not engage in obscene gestures, shouting, profanity, or other disruptive behavior. If attendees become disruptive, they may be expelled from the meeting and fined.

Event Information

Event Date 03-06-2025 4:00 pm
Event End Date 03-06-2025 5:30 pm
Location HOA Board Meeting Location